DECEMBER 9, 2022
Orbit Indonesia

Lirik Lagu Radio Ga Ga dari Queen untuk Meramaikan Hari Radio Nasional 11 September 2022

Lirik lagu Radio Ga Ga dari Queen, cocok untuk Hari Radio Nasional.

ORBITINDONESIA - Hari Radio Nasional pada 11 September 2022 akan terasa semakin meriah jika kita dapat melantunkan lagu berjudul Radio Ga Ga dari Queen.

Lagu Radio Ga Ga dari Queen, band legendaris asal London sempat populer di berbagai negara dan diputar di radio-radio, termasuk Indonesia pada tahun 80-90-an, serta seringkali dihubungkan dengan Hari Radio Nasional.

Berikut lirik lagu Radio Ga Ga dari Queen untuk Hari Radio Nasional:

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu dan Chord Gitar Kugadaikan Cintaku dari Gombloh, Enak Didengar saat untuk Hari Radio Nasional

I'd sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio

You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly (radio)

So don't become some background noise
A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don't know, or just don't care
And just complain when you're not there

You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)

Baca Juga: Liga 1: Thomas Doll Tak Permasalahkan Perubahan Jadwal Kick Off Kontra Barito Putera

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new?
Radio, someone still loves you

We watch the shows, we watch the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years

Let's hope you never leave, old friend
Like all good things, on you we depend
So stick around, 'cause we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual

You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)

Baca Juga: 3 Contoh Puisi Hari Radio Nasional yang Mengandung Makna Dalam dan Mengharukan

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new?
Someone still loves you

Radio ga ga (radio ga ga)
Radio ga ga (radio ga ga)
Radio ga ga (radio ga ga)
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)

Baca Juga: TNI AL Kerahkan Kapal Perang dan Pasukan Khusus untuk bantu Pencarian Pesawat Bonanza T2503 yang Hilang

Itulah lirik lagu Radio Ga Ga dari Queen. Semoga bermanfaat.***


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